The Pride of Homeownership 


Homeownership has long been a part of the American Dream.  To have a place of their own to call home, raise a family and to share with friends

Among the benefits of homeownership is the financial security and investment aspect. No longer would the homeowner being obligated to a landlord.  They would be slowing paying off their mortgage and eventually retire.

There is a responsibility that comes with homeownership, however.  These responsibilities can be broken down into the 3 M’s of homeownership;

  1. Maintenance – this is something every homeowner has to deal with.  Simple routine maintenance can go a long way.  By changing filters, touching up paint, and cleanings will help keep the home livable and maintain value.
  2. Minimizing expenses – by having reputable service providers, keeping the temperature set at a reasonable number and understanding when a repair is appropriate instead of a replacement.
  3. Managing debt – taking advantage of low interest rates, paying on time, and making a little extra payment each month can save a great deal of money in the long run.  Also, having service contracts and the proper insurance to save a homeowner a good deal of money.


And let’s not forget the memories and good times the home brings to the family.  These can be priceless…

We look forward in assisting you or your family or friends in finding the pride of homeownership here in the resort areas of Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island, Delaware.

Audrey & Frank Serio, CRS

REMAX By The Sea

Bethany Beach DE 19930

Direct: 302.537.3171

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